- 去理发(剪灾)
- 多出去走走(走运)
- 拥抱树龄大的古树(吸收灵气)
- 去寺庙上香(底佑)
- 喂流浪猫狗(行善)
- 大扫除(扫除霉运)
- 抱抱婴儿(沾阳气)
- 与修眉毛(招贵人)
- 手机壳后放一张百元大钞(招财气)
- 戴金首饰(增加财运)
- 出门带几粒米(改运)
- 逛莱市场(沾烟火气)
- 捐衣做公益(积德)
- 公交车上为老人让座(行善)
- 常回家看看(感恩)
- 在镜前赞美自己(提高自信)
- 打扮自己(提升磁场)
- 调整家居布局(改善风水)
- 养绿色植物(带来生机)
- 少言管住嘴(修行)
- 多笑笑(好运来)
- 关住厕所门(减少污浊之气)

🎨 设计:Figma $0
💾 数据库:Supabase $0
🚀 部署:Vercel $0
🔐 用户:Auth0 $0
📧 邮件:Resend $0
💻 编码:V0 + Cursor $0
📊 统计:Mixpanel $0
🔗 短链:Dub $0
📬 公司邮箱:Lark $0
🤖 顾问:ChatGPT $0
🔒 HTTPS 证书:Let’s encrypt $0
📦 代码仓库: GitHub $0
📝 文档:Notion $0
🧩 UI 组件:Shadcn UI $0
🔤 字体:Google Font $0
📋 表单:heyform $0
📈 SEO: GA + GSC $0
🔧 CI/CD:GitHub Action $0
🐞 Bug 日志:Sentry $0
Dear Team,
As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to each of you for the holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a joyous New Year to you all!
Reflecting on our journey this year, I’m filled with gratitude for the remarkable accomplishments we’ve achieved together. Your dedication and resilience in navigating challenges and embracing changes have been truly inspiring. I deeply appreciate the hard work and commitment each of you brings to our team, making it not only successful but also a wonderful place to collaborate and grow.
As you celebrate this season in your own special ways, I wish you and your loved ones joy, peace, and a safe start to the New Year. It is truly an honor to work alongside such a talented and passionate group.
Here’s to a bright and prosperous year ahead!
Warm regards,